Grief Recovery Specialist

Adrienn Burka

  • Date of birth: 11. 05. 1980
  • Place of birth: Budapest, Hungary

My studies:

  • Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary: Master of Economics and Teacher of Economics
  • AERES University of Applied Sciences, Dronten, Netherlands: Bachelor of European Funds Management
  • Università per stranieri Dante Alighieri, Reggio di Calabria, Italy: summer school of Italian language
  • Torre di Babele, Rome, Italy: summer school of Italian language
  • Grief Recovery Institute, Budapest, Hungary: Grief Recovery Specialist
18 years professional experince including working for the government (London/Dublin), in the private sector (Dublin/Vienna) and as a freelancer (Vienna).
Languages: Hungarian (native), English (advanced), German (intermediate), Italian (limited working proficiency).

Why choose me?

Personal experience

with loss and grief


english, german, hungarian

For individuals and groups

(adults, children, company, organisation)

Online available for everyone all around the word

or in person in Vienna, Austria